Poole Methodists Church

In 2006, due to falling membership numbers, Poole Methodist Church Circuit made the decision to centralise worship and consolidate the Circuit estate.

Since the project’s conception, we have been working closely with the client to foster relationships and engender a sense ‘ownership’ to the scheme. This has proved particularly relevant where the complexities of the process have needed to be balanced with the requirements of a wide and enthusiastic membership.

As a result, the church’s vision had to be supported by a robust and confident design. Situated in a conservations area, a challenging planning process saw an agreement that the main church should be upgraded and the adjoining Halls demolished and replaced with a contemporary extension. The extension includes the building’s main entrance, new halls and various community spaces. The upgrade to the existing church sees the introduction of a new floor, with the worship space located at first floor level and a Community Cafe at ground floor.

Location: Poole, Dorset
Key Aspects: Architecture, Finance, Surveys

Quinquennial Inspections


In 1955, with the adoption of The Inspection of Churches Measure, the Church of England introduced a statutory requirement for every Church of England church to have a condition report undertaken every five years – a Quinquennial Inspection.  These inspections have to be undertaken by a qualified and chartered building surveyor or architect approved by the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).

John Pickup, Director of The Intelligent Design Centre is an registered Church Inspector not only for the Church of England but also The Methodist Church.

The act of inspecting a buildings condition is invaluable in not only diagnosing and arresting the cause and effects of developing defects but also the to safeguard future investment, improve health and safety, reducing operational costs and improving long term environmental sustainability.

Keys Aspects: Condition Surveys, Improvement Recommendations, Outline Costing