Commercial Services

Architecture | Planning | PFI | Lift | 3PD I Concepts | Sustainability

The Intelligent Design Centre has developed a national recognition for its expertise in the field of design, design management and environmental sustainability, in both the private and public sectors.

Our Approach

Our approach, based on 15 years of strategic client engagement and process management on over £130 million of complex project delivery, has resulted in a robust client-focused and portfolio specific Brief Development Process, aimed at reducing financial risk and improving the speed and quality of project outcomes/deliverables.

One of the core aspects of our business which underpins all of the above is our base Architectural Service, which ranges from multi-million pound commercial works to small residential projects.

Core Activities

  • Master-planning
  • Design advisors
  • Business development
  • Sustainable developments and energy
  • Forming strategic links between the client and delivery team

Master Planning

Through engagement with a number of organisations The Intelligent Design Centre have developed a comprehensive strategy for aligning construction with longer term development potential. By assessing the impact of the building in the context of people and place the development risk is greatly reduced and the outcomes substantially improved.

The principle underpinning this approach is to align the design within a thorough understanding of the client’s wider business objectives.

By way of example The Intelligent Design Centre have been instrumental in developing a unique master plan for the above site. This ground breaking concept has been designed in association with a key strategic service provider to present the country’s first Zero Carbon mixed-care development, the country’s first ‘Off-Grid’ golf development and the country’s first ‘Activity-Centred’ retirement facility.

PFI | Lift | 3PD

Assisting clients in producing a robust Brief is a key activity that must be undertaken accurately if construction related projects are to be successful. The brief is often complex and therefore a strategy for providing overview, filtering and dissemination of information is of paramount importance if development risk is to be managed effectively. Ensuring the delivery team is appropriately engaged and ‘on-message’ in terms of the client’s expectations is key.

As RIBA Client Advisors The Intelligent Design Centre has acted as Technical Advisor, Design Manager and Tenants Representative on over £100 million of PFI, LIFT and 3PD construction projects.

Activities: Stakeholder engagement, site analysis, brief construction, design championing and evaluation, cost management, scheduling of accommodation, organisation of operational policies, liaison with external assessors – CABE, site inspections, production of mobilisation and decanting schedules, provision of maintenance documentation, completeness checks and post construction evaluation.


The Intelligent Design Centre’s drive to deliver sustainable projects, by understanding the economic, social and financial landscape, is supported by an enthusiasm to apply its creative skills not only to buildings but to the supported business model. Creative Care is one such concept.

The Intelligent Design Centre’s Creative Care concept including Creative Communities, Creative Care Network and Creative Living are 3 such examples where an intuitive and forward thinking design approach has resulted in the creation of new and distinct people-centred care models.

The Creative Care Network is presently being delivered in Bedfordshire by an established care operator.


Our key objective is to engage with client organisation and provide site-specific guidance associated with managed and integrated design solutions to drive out best practice. The delivery of new buildings is often compromised by conflicting solutions that fail to successfully address economic, social and environmental opportunities and threats. We aim to deliver real reductions in running costs and carbon emissions across our client base and develop a commitment to the wider sustainability agenda through effective and early engagement and, through this, demonstrate that it makes absolute sound commercial sense.

A thorough and integrated environmental approach can add real value to the design and development process.

The design process is a complex one and we recognise that changes to established systems cannot be affected wholesale. We do however believe that a more thorough environmental integration exercise can be promoted, which acts as an aide memoir to client organisations in search of maximising true project ‘value’, whether that be financial, environmental or ethical.

Commercial Projects

Poole Methodists Church
Leeds Apartments
Empty Home Redevelopment
Harehills Site Redevelopment
Church Site Development